22. January 2024

Dr Andreas Kloevekorn becomes Managing Director at dk Life Science Communications

Dr Andreas Kloevekorn, previously Managing Director at Hill & Knowlton Strategies, has been Co-Managing Director at the agency dk Life Science Communications, part of the WEFRA LIFE GROUP, since 1 January 2024.

Dr Andreas Kloevekorn moved from Hill & Knowlton Strategies to the management level of dk Life Science Communications (dk) in the new year. There he forms a management tandem with Niklas Kurz, who is also COO of the WEFRA LIFE GROUP, which the Frankfurt PR agency took over last year. 

Kloevekorn has over 25 years of agency experience, including at Proximity, DDB Tribal and Edelman. At Hill & Knowlton, Kloevekorn was most recently responsible for advising all companies in the technology sector and was also part of the Innovation and Creative Hub team. With a doctorate in history, Kloevekorn has extensive management experience, particularly in the areas of transformation and integration, and also has broad industry expertise, including the automotive and technology sectors as well as healthcare. 

Kloevekorn’s goal is to successfully lead dk Life Science Communications to develop the healthcare business of the future. The 55-year-old is looking forward to his new role: “dk Life Science Communications is an excellently positioned agency with a very competent team and a broad and exciting client portfolio. I look forward to driving the agency forward together with the team – and to utilising the synergies with WEFRA LIFE.” 

dk Life Science Communications Co-Managing Director Niklas Kurz is also confident about the collaboration with Dr Andreas Kloevekorn: “With Andreas, we have a partner with a lot of experience at our side. I and the entire team are looking forward to working closely together and continuing dk’s 30-year success story.”