9. July 2020

Insmed starts digital communications offensive

Lung diseases (NTM-LD) caused by non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are rare. Likewise are current guidelines in the area of “rare diseases”. In order to give the recently finished first international guidelines for the treatment of NTM-LD the necessary attention, Insmed Germany started a digital communications offensive.

Journalists from respected trade journals – mainly focusing on pneumology – took part in the “NTM-Update”, Insmed’s first online press conference, at the beginning of May. Briefly, concisely and oriented to the journalists’ need for information, guideline co-author Professor Dr. Christoph Lange, Medical Director at the Borstel Research Center, presented the most important aspects of the new guideline. This means that an important goal in the interest of patients has been achieved: attention for a guideline-compliant treatment of NTM-LD. Patients are still diagnosed too rarely and not early enough. As a consequence, they too often receive an unsuitable initial therapy.

A special highlight: To ensure that the news about the new guideline is already spread among experts from day one after its publication, the video conference took place before the official publication date. For specialist circles dk Life Science Communications also prepared the content into an expert video and a factsheet which can be accessed “on demand” on the Insmed website ntmfakten.de for experts. Traffic on the website is provided by advertorials and banners in pneumological newsletters as well as an exclusive newsletter. The cross-media mix with strong digital components is a central component of the disease awareness campaign for NTM-LD by Insmed. Print and online publications of the participating specialized journalists provide a noise level to the new guideline and underline the relevance of a guideline-compliant therapy.

Insmed Incorporated is a global biopharmaceutical company focused on addressing unmet medical needs of rare disease patients. The company is currently developing several therapies that are at various stages of development.