21. May 2019

Professional Training kick-off on diabetes in dentistry

Sanofi Roadshow launch: Experts from medicine and dentistry adopt recommendations for optimized interdisciplinary treatment of oral complications in diabetes.

According to the German Society for Diabetes, there are currently about 7.5 million diabetics in Germany. And about half of all younger adults suffer from periodontal disease, according to the fifth German Oral Health Study. Recent studies also show a bidirectional relationship between diabetes mellitus and periodontitis with increasingly complex treatment cases.

The aim of an expert discussion conducted by Sanofi-Aventis in cooperation with Deutscher Ärzteverlag was therefore to improve the quality of treatment for diabetics as a whole and to promote interdisciplinary cooperation between doctors and dentists.

Recommendations for action for optimized care

Specialists from diabetology, endocrinology, general medicine, oral and maxillofacial surgery, periodontology and care research have developed solutions that are relevant for dentists as well as for diabetologists and general practitioners. The result is an eight-page specialist publication in the form of a consensus-based recommendation for action with practical tips for the treatment of this special group of patients. A special edition of the publication serves as a distribution tool and as the basis for an interdisciplinary roadshow.

Picture: Deutscher Ärzteverlag/mzsued