We donate for PROBONO school partnerships
Improving educational opportunities for children and young people in Africa and creating prospects for a better future is the goal of PROBONO School Partnerships for One World e.V., which was initiated in 2004. dk Life Science Communications supports the work of the non-profit organisation every year at Christmas with a substantial donation.
Thousands of pupils in East Africa are now benefiting from new school buildings, wells, solar energy systems and textbooks, and in Tanzania recently even from an entrepreneurship programme developed with school representatives and local partners. The aim is to provide students at secondary schools with basic entrepreneurial knowledge and encourage them to gain their first entrepreneurial experience in small student companies.
This is an important contribution in a country with extremely high youth unemployment, little industry and service sectors and a very small proportion of formal and thus protected employments. Advanced training workshops and a four-year teacher training programme for hundreds of teachers in Tanzania are further highlights of PROBONO’s charitable work. For further information: www.probono-oneworld.de
Picture: PROBONO – Schulpartnerschaften für Eine Welt e.V.